Client: Achmea real estate, i.c.w. DTZ Zadelhoff.
Location:Leidseveer Utrecht, The Netherland.
Job description: Interior design Lobby Office building.
Surface: approx. 150 m2.
Year: 2015.
Designed for this client:
Carpet: Floorfashion by Muurbloem; design Kamiks (ege carpets).
Salon table: solid oak salon table.
Standing table: mdf with real oak vineer.
Dessin: speciaal round dessin.
Facade: dessin van etchglass stickering.
Garagewall design: dessin tamplates, wallpaint.
Commissioned by Achmea Vastgoed, Muurbloem designed and realized the entrance interior of their office building ‘Smakkelaarsburcht” in the city centre of Utrecht. The entrance is a multifunctional area including a counter with hostess, reading table, waiting area and a Wi-Fi worktable. The challenge from this particular was to make a business-like but cosy looking entrance that happily invites the visitors.
Proceeding / Activities
Muurbloem designed and realized this project, using our collection “Floorfashion by Muurbloem” egecarpets Kamiks design applied in a minimalistic way. Muurbloem reused the design and created a relation between the spherical lamps and the floor design. On the glass façade of the office building Muurbloem pasted a 500cm sticker of the same design. With the interior furniture and colour scheme, using warm harmonious petrol greens and yellows, all created a unity.
Muurbloem always searches for connections between the various objects in interior to create a fusion between the separate parts. By visually connecting the objects the users of the area experience the space as a special purpose design.
The realization of this project, the various craftsmen and supplies, ordering the products to streamline the entire process was all supervised by Muurbloem. An important part is the time and effort Muurbloem puts in the project to achieve optimal quality.